Antonio sighed deeply, his breath trembling with a mixture of exhaustion and fear as he looked at his form.
He whispered the deactivation words "Flameheart, flares disperse."
No sooner had Jayden's essence left Antonio's new morpher, than the weakened Kwami started to buckle. Antonio, with reflexes honed by years of ranger training, swiftly caught the kwami in his hand.
"Jay-I mean Flame Heart, are you alright?" Antonio asked, his voice shaking, using the name FlameHeart to try to connect with his friend's lost awareness.
FlameHeart simply nodded, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of confusion. "Yes, I believe so. But I feel... drained. Depleted. When you invoked my special attack, it seemed to consume my energy."
Antonio nodded, understanding the hint. "And you need sustenance to regain your strength."
He quickly rummaged in his pocket, pulling out a sardine he'd been saving in case they needed a distraction. "Will this do?"
"Ah, seafood," FlameHeart said, his eyes lighting up.
Antonio handed over the fish, watching as FlameHeart devoured it with surprising hunger.
The other Rangers approached, their faces etched with worry. "Antonio, what just happened? Where's Jayden?" Kevin asked, his voice tinged with desperation.
Drawing in a deep breath, Antonio extended his hand, revealing the now satiated FlameHeart. The shock registered immediately on the group's faces. "You've got to be kidding, Antonio."
"It's no joke, Mike," Antonio responded somberly. "Jayden... he's... changed. He's this Kwami now and he doesn't remember anything about being a Ranger, or even who he is."
Silence hung in the air as the Rangers digested this devastating news.
Emily was the first to break it, her voice tremulous but full of resolve. "We have to find a way to help Jayden, Antonio. We can't just abandon him."
Antonio nodded, determination searing through his veins. "You're right, Emily. We can't - and we won't. We'll find a way to restore Jayden's memories. We'll bring him back, I promise."
And so, the Power Rangers pooled their resources and minds together, beginning their quest to save their friend. They moved Flameheart to the Shiba house, their sanctuary and training ground.
Kevin brought the group back to focus. "We are dealing with forces beyond our comprehension. We need to consult someone knowledgeable about this."
"Hey, what about Mentor Ji guys?" Mike suggested, his voice hopeful.
The suggestion resonated with the group. Antonio, still cradling Flameheart, looked down at the Kwami. Flameheart's curious eyes met his.
"Who is this Mentor Ji?" He asked, his voice strikingly similar to Jayden's.
"He’s... our guide," Antonio explained carefully. "Well your guide at first, but he's wise, knowledgeable, and knows a lot about... well, magic and symbol power."
Flameheart's eyes sparkled with interest. "Intriguing... I look forward to meeting him."
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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