"Forgive me Master Xandred but i had to, there were to many rangers and was out numbered." Soul Wraith said as Xandred sent out another round of red lightning in anger.
You turned the red ranger in to a kwami, powerful beings that can destroy anything, you should've destroyed him!' Xandred shouted as Soul Wraith panted when the lightnings stopped.
"I was going to but the other rangers stopped me thanks to that gold rangers warnings, next time i see them i will destroy them now that theyre leaderless." Soul Wraith assured as Xandred scoffed.
"Fine, now get off my boat." Xandred commanded as Octoroo stopped Soul Wraith.
"Listen, if you can capture the red Kwami, i can use a potion to turn him back to normal." Octoroo said.
"Right, and how do i exactly capture a powerful kwami being?" Soul Wraith asked.
With this spell bound bottle, just open it the moment that Kwami charges at you and hes all your for what you want of him." Octoroo explained as the menacing nighlok smirked as he took the bottle.
"Very well but if this fails Xandred will have your tentacles." Soul Wraith said as he jumped into the Sanzu river
"Flame Heart flares ablaze!"
"Wow." Emily gasped in amazement as she couldn't turn away.
"The new uniform suites you dude." Mike said as he was still surprised at how things go to how they are.
"Pretty impressive but it will take more then a fancy suite to beat this nighlok and I assume Jayden's power is way to powerful for you to handle." Kevin spoke up after managing the be caught up with recent events.
"Well not really, my symbol power combined with Jayden's fire Kwami powers will help me to be able to control it." Antonio explained "but since it weakens Flame Heart i can use it only once per transformation."
"Flame Heart was wrong to choose you to control his power your still to immature to use it wisely, your still treating this like its a game." Kevin said ads Antonio looked at the blue ranger surprised.
"But I'm not i swear, this is how things are and this is how Jayden is able to fight now." Antonio replied back although he feels his tears forming behind his mask.
"Antonio this is not about Flame Heart or Jayden this is about you whose going to use the most powerful abilities and end up either endangering yourself or others, you cant control it and don't even have knowledge about this stuff." Kevin said standing up as Mia did the same to try to clam him down but Kevin didn't budge "give me the morpher Antonio I can control the red ranger’s power better than you can."
"No i can't Flame Heart chose me." Antonio said.
"Kevin may have a point but the kwami still has Jaydens wisdom and Knowledge of who can wield the red ranger power and as much as i dislike the idea of a new comer handling Jaydens power we must trust that Jayden or Flame heart has chosen the right person to be the leader." Mentor said surprising Antonio leaving the golden maroon ranger speechless.
Kevin shook his head as he left the room, Mia trailing behind him as Antonio sadly looked down his guilt for what happened to Jayden only strengthened "I'm sorry i can't be here right now, Flame Heart flares disperse."
As soon as the words have been said Flame Heart exited the morpher in a brilliant gleam of light as Antonio put it on the table next to the older man before running to shut himself in his room despite the others protests.
Flame Heart simply floated there unsure of what to do but something inside him began to slowly but painfully hurt.
He soon became aware that seeing his new friend upset like this was something he hated to see.
The fire kwami turned toward Mentor Ji and the other remaining rangers.
But as he was about to say something Mentor simply raised his hand to silence Flame Heart "go to him he needs you more then we do."
"Yea bud go help your friend, we have a mission of our own right now." Mike assured as Emily laughed "whats so funny?"
"I thought you hate studying now your saying it without any sarcasm or talking about food." Emily replied while still chuckling as Mike rolled his eyes, Flame Heart smiled as he was glad to be surrounded by such humorous friends.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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