Antonio's fork danced a nervous waltz around his untouched food, his gaze locked on the miniature Kwami creature perched on the edge of the table.
Flame Heart paused in the middle of devouring a sardine to study Antonio.
Flame Heart's spear-shaped eyes, aglow like a roaring fire, were filled with worry "Antonio, you need to nourish yourself."
Instead of responding, Antonio merely dropped his fork, the metal clank was made on the plate echoing in the tense silence "I can't, Flame Heart... not when you're like this... not when I can't find a way to make you Jayden again."
Before Flame Heart could respond, a knock was heard through the room. Antonio turned to Flame Heart, his voice urgent, "Flame Heart, hide."
Flame Heart quickly zoomed into the pocket of Antonio's grey/white t shirt before Antonio went to answer.
As the gold ranger openedthe door, he was surprized by who it was.
It was Terry, Mia's charismatic rockstar brother, his guitar nonchalantly slung over his shoulder.
"Hey, Antonio," he greeted with a wide grin "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
A strained smile crossed Antonio's face as he instinctively covered his pocket.
"Hey, Terry," he forced a casual tone "what brings you here?"
Strumming a tune on his guitar, Terry sauntered into the Shiba house "I've got a show coming up. Thought you might want to join me on stage."
Flame Heart, from his hideout in Antonio's pocket, felt a spark of excitement.
This was just what Antonio needed to take his mind off things but Antonio however, didn't see it that way.
"I... I can't, Terry," he finally confessed, sending a shock of surprise through Flame Heart.
He wanted to perform, but he couldn't leave the Shiba house, not when they were still trying to find a way to restore Jayden.
Terry raised an eyebrow in surprise "why not? You've got a voice that could enchant the moon itself. And you love singing. You said you sing tunes all the time while fishing."
Antonio could feel Flame Heart squirming in his pocket, undoubtedly eager to hear his response.
"I just... can't this time. I have some... important matters to handle. I'm really sorry, Terry." Antonio simply said as Terry shrugged, disappointment flickering in his eyes, and turned to leave.
Antonio released a sigh of regret, making his way to his room as he felt really bad for Terry but turning Jayden back was more important and he wasn't gonna let his childhood friend down again.
Flame Heart, however, had other plans as he flew out of Antonio's pocket, his fiery eyes determined "you should do it, Antonio."
"But...I can't... what about-" Antonio began to got cut short by the Kwami
"Antonio, you love performing just as much as you love fishing, besides, you need some fun," Flame Heart insisted, recalling the guitar and fishing rods he'd noticed in Antonio's room.
"But what about you? I can't just leave you like this," Antonio protested, but Flame Heart only shook his head.
"Antonio," Flame Heart began as he held his small paw out shushing the gold ranger while choosing his words carefully, "You need to live your life, too. You've done more for me than I could ever ask of you. It's time for you to do something for yourself."
After a moment's hesitation, Antonio nodded and headed back to where Terry was halfway to leave.
"Wait, I changed my mind I'll join you. Just give me some time to prepare." Antonio said.
Terry's grin stretched wider as he was happy to have the gols ranger in his band again "fantastic! This is going to rock, man!"
As Terry sat down on the cushions, Antonio went back to his room to dress in something more formal.
Antonio sunk onto his bed, Flame Heart flew from his pocket once more and landed beside him "This might turn into a fiasco, Flame Heart."
Flame Heart shrugged, his fiery eyes reflecting calm and assurance. "Or it could be the crowning glory of your existence. Don't fret. I'll remain by your side, prepared for any Nighlok assault."
A few hours later, Antonio found himself standing on a stage, bathed in the glow of spotlights.
A sea of eager faces greeted him, their cheers echoing in the cavernous space. His fingers clung to the fretboard of his guitar, a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty.
He tried to concentrate on the chords, on the rhythmic heartbeat of the music, but his thoughts kept veering back to Flame Heart, nestled securely in his pocket, and the morpher, its cold metallic feel hidden beneath his jacket.
As the initial notes of the song spilled from his guitar into the electrified air, Antonio felt a wave of energy surge through him. It was as if the strings of his guitar were connecting him to every soul in the room, sharing not just the music, but the story it told.
He stole a glance at his pocket, feeling Flame Heart's reassuring aura.
With each strum, each note, each chord, the crowd swelled with energy, a roaring ocean that ebbed and flowed with the rhythm of his music.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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