"Wait, so I was a kwami?" Jayden asked, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. The group nodded in unison, their expressions a mix of amusement and nostalgia.
"You were so adorable." Mia commented, her words eliciting a smile from Emily.
"Too bad we couldn't play dress-up. I'd picked out some costumes." Emily added, her amusement causing Jayden's cheeks to blush pink as laughter bubbled amongst the group.
Antonio joined in, his eyes reflecting a touch of admiration and awe "when we combined our powers? Your celestial energy boosted my Samurai symbol power, making us unstoppable. We even created a new attack."
Mentor Ji, his gaze warm and soft, agreed with Antonio, "The Nighlok thought they were cursing you, but they were actually helping you discover your true strength."
Their moment of recollection, however, was interrupted by the blaring of the gap sensors.
Eyes instinctively darted to the map, pinpointing a threatening presence in the city.
"Duty calls, Amigo," Antonio said, casting a look at Jayden, their recently reestablished leader. "Time to suit up, Jay."
"Rangers, let's move." Jayden's command echoed with determination.
As the team departed, Mentor was left behind, a content smile gracing his face, the unity of his team his greatest joy.
During The Battle
The city was under attack. Soul Wraith, a colossal Nighlok, was wreaking havoc, turning people into random creatures before trapping into an item.
The Power Rangers were putting up a brave fight, but it was a struggle to hold their ground.
In a swift, unexpected move, Soul Wraith targeted Antonio. Jayden, working on pure instinct, shielded Antonio, taking the brunt of the attack and falling wounded.
Mia, Emily, Kevin, and Mike formed a protective barrier around Antonio and Jayden, their collective strength barely holding Soul Wraith at bay.
"We need a new strategy!" Emily's voice rang out amid the chaos.
"Agreed," Kevin answered, pulling her out of harm's way, "But what?"
Jayden, fighting through his pain, knew there was only one way. "I need to become Flame Heart again. Only our combined special attack can defeat him."
"But the ritual..." Antonio began, visibly shocked.
"Is reversible, you helped me once, we can do it again," Jayden cut him off as he placed a comforting hand on gold ranger's shoulder.
"But we just got you back!" Antonio's voice was filled in fear, afraid Jayden will lose his memory again. "It's risky! We don't know if it will work!"
Jayden locked eyes with Antonio, a gentle but a determined look "Antonio, you took a risk when you became a Power Ranger. Now it's my turn."
Despite Antonio's knowledge that the ritual might not be reversible, he decided to withhold it until after the fight. "Guys, we need to get back to the Shiba house."
"We'll hold him off. Just work fast!" Emily called out.
"Whatever you're planning, it better work, or you'll be eating Mia's cooking for a week," Kevin joked, but soon regretted it as the pink ranger turned from smacking the nighlok away with her sky fan.
"Watch it, boys," Mia said, a smirk on her face as they rushed to execute their last-resort plan, their unity stronger than ever.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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