In the aftermath of the cataclysmic battle, the Rangers slowly, painstakingly, began to regroup. A sense of relief washed over them like a wave, leaving them feeling hollow and worn.
Back at their humble base, Antonio carefully fed Jayden the sardine, the oil glistening on his tiny scales under the harsh fluorescent light. Jayden, now Flame Heart, looked up at Antonio with gratitude in his red eyes.
"I guess you're stuck with me now, Flame Heart," Antonio said, his voice heavy with sadness.
Flame Heart fluttered his wings, the sound filling the room. "Antonio, you can call me Jayden, you know. And I couldn't ask for a better partner."
Antonio sighed, his shoulders slumping. "So,'re really stuck like this, aren't you?"
Jayden paused, his red eyes flickering like tiny embers in the dim light. "I'm afraid so, Antonio, but don't worry. As long as we're together, we can handle anything. And at least I have my memory this time. Be glad of that."
Antonio managed a weak smile, feeling a small spark of hope ignite in his chest. "I am glad, Jayden. More than you know."
As Antonio offered Jayden another sardine, the kwami took it with his small red paws, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What's so funny?" Antonio asked.
"I never thought I'd say this, but...those actually taste pretty good," Jayden chuckled, a slight twinkle in his voice. Antonio couldn't help but chuckle along.
"Well, it seems we both are discovering new things about ourselves," Flame Heart said, a twinkle in his eyes.
As they sat there in the silence of the base, both lost in their thoughts, Antonio felt a surge of inspiration.
He looked at Jayden, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
Emily and Mia are keeping Jayden busy right?" Antonio asked as Kevin and Mike nodded.
"Yea although with what the girls got planned for him, he's not gonna want to hang out with then for too long." Mike said.
"Yea, Jayden might like to relax now but he's still a guy that's not really into their hobbies." Kevin joined in as Antonio chuckled at the thought of Emily and Mia trying to dress Jayden up in some random clothing.
"Anyways, I had a idea to surprise Jayden with a Brownie surprise." Antonio said as the other two looked at him "he's worked so hard to save us and I can see he's not exactly happy to be stuck as a kwami so I want to make him a special treat to feel better.
"That's nice of you Antonio, and you want us to make sure Jayden remain unaware of this," Mike said.
"We can do that i have been meaning to ask Jayden a few questions." Kevin said as Antonio rolled his eyes playfully "but what if Jayden asks about you what do you want us to tell him?"
"Just tell him i had some fish selling to do at the pear and had to go for a few hours." Antonio said, knowing he pulled the same excuse with Jayden before.
"Are you sure he'll buy that?" Mike asked afraid that Jayden would see
"Trust me if it comes to fishing he'll buy anything, used to tell him the same thing when i planned a surprise party for him when we were just kids." Antonio explained while rubbing the back of his head.
"I take it it didn't go well?" Kevin asked as the group laughed before beginning to talk about their plan.
Few Hours Later:
"So, Antonio, what's the surprise?" Flame Heart asked, curiosity tingling his voice as he perched on Antonio's shoulder.
Antonio smirked, savoring the moment. "Ladies, gentlemen, Kwamis, and Zords, I would like to present to you my latest culinary creation."
With a flourish motion, Antonio removed the lid, revealing a mouth-watering array of freshly baked brownies.
Flame Heart's excitement was palpable as he flew closer to the bowl, his eyes lighting up. "Oh, Antonio! Brownies? Just for me?!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his joy.
The Rangers beamed at Jayden's reaction, their hearts filled with delight.
"We thought you deserved something special after the hard battle." Mia explained, her voice filled with affection.
Mike nodded, his voice full of sincerity. "Yeah, Jayden, you're more than just our leader or a source of power. You're our friend, and you've always been there for us. We wanted to be there for you too."
"And now we want to be there for you." Kevin spoke up as the Kwami turned to him.
"Plus, I noticed the hint of sadness in your eyes and I know you aren't excalty happy to be a kwami so I thought these might cheer you up." Antonio added as Flame Heart turned to Antonio before flying up to meet the gold ranger's gaze.
Flame Heart's gaze flicked between each Ranger, gratitude gleaming in his eyes.
"Thank you, but you didn't have to do this. I'm just happy to have such great friends as part of my team," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.
The Rangers exchanged smiles, their bond growing even stronger in that moment. "Same here," Emily said, her voice filled with warmth.
"Ditto," Mike added, a wide grin spreading across his face.
"There's nowhere I'd rather be," Mia chimed in, her eyes gleaming with affection.
Kevin, sensing the moment needed some lightheartedness, playfully interrupted. "Alright, Rangers, enough with the mushy talk. We have a battle to celebrate!"
The room erupted with laughter as they savored the joyous atmosphere before the fire kwami each past out a brownie to each ranger.
"Wait something's missing." Antonio said attracting the group's and the kwami attention towards the gold ranger and saw a micheif look in his eyes.
"What's missing bud?" Mike asked curious where Antonio was going with this, as the gold ranger looked to the fire Kwami.
"Jay would you care to assist me?" Antonio asked as the kwami nodded "Flame Heart Flares Ablaze!"
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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