"Do you think Sapphire or Crystal found anything?" Ross asked as he turned to his wife while she was looking on the opposite spot.
"I don't know, but the one thing I don't get is why would she disappear like this, we never did anything wrong to her." Maya spoke up but sadness was evident in her eyes.
"Well we did hide that she had magical powers." Ross pointed out as Maya shook her head.
"That was only to protect her so technically we did the right thing." Maya said as Ross sighed.
"Yea your right, but the what did we do wrong?" Ross asked as his wife shrugged while checking another bush.
"Ross stop over thinking this she's the one who didn't listen to us and over reacted, now apparently shes paying the price." Maya said back as she sat down to rest as Ross did the same.
"Where in the pony realm could she have gone though, shes not that skilled with her abilities." Ross responded as Maya saw her husband losing hope slowly.
"Lets just hope the others are having better luck then us." Maya said as silence filled the air.....
"I'm really sorry about causing you harm, are you alright?" The mysterious Pegasus asked as Sapphire still couldn't get any words out of her mouth as she picked up the book.
Sapphire, where are you, having trouble already!?" Sapphire heard Crystal call for her before the changeling saw her friend come from the bushes "hey stay away from her!'
The mysterious Pegasus backed away as he raised his wings in surrender "Wait no i mean no harm, we bumped into one another by accident and wanted to know if she was alright."
Sapphire quickly stood and immediately stepped in front of the dragon pony and Pegasus as she found her voice once more “Crystal don't, he's a friend."
Crystal looked between the changeling and the red Pegasus as she sighed as she looked into her friends eyes before seeing truth as she nodded "then who is he?"
"His name is Storm Blazer and he plays the red pony of that show we watched." Sapphire squealed with happiness as Crystal looked a the red Pegasus getting more confused.
"If hes such a famous pony then why is he here, i mean don't get me wrong this is the best place to film but no pony knows about this place." Crystal said as Sapphire realized her friend was right as the two tuned to Storm Blazer but before he could say anything the three heard a new voice from behind the Pegasus.
A glittering and sparkly gold Unicorn appeared as he looked like he was looking for something "Storm Blazer you really need to stop disappearing on us like this."
"Apologies, but i thought i would be able to find my friend i told you about." Storm blazer answered back as the golden Unicorn frowned.
"i told you, shes not real and even if she was what would she be doing here, no pony other ponies know about this place other then us." The Unicorn said surprising the two young ponies.
"Hey i just said that." Crystal said causing Sapphire and Storm Blazer to laugh.
"Looks like you already made a friend, Goldie." Storm Blazer teased.
Crystal turned towards her changeling friend who stopped laughed as she saw seriousness in her friends eyes "Okay I'm gonna actually need an explanation from you...."
"Laser beak attack!" Dorota commanded her owl friend as Eva fired a laser from her beak as the rock exploded.
Eva lowered herself to the ground as Dorota went over to hetr companion ''are you okay?''
Eva hooted the young Alicorn's concern off as she flew back up and landed on her back.
"You scared me there for a second, anyways were close to another tow ill get you some food so you can replenish yourself." Dorota said surprising the owl "i did tell you i read about your kind before."
Few Moments Later:
"Here you go and might i say its a pleasure to have your kind visit my shop." Peach Delight said as Dorota smiled back.
"....uh thanks but maybe don't tell any other pony i was here." Dorota suggested as the store Unicorn nodded.
"Of course my lady anything you need." Peach Delight replied as Dorota thought of something but when she was going to ask, she heard something in her mind not to say anything."
"I appreciate it." Dorota said as she walked away while giving a peach to the owl creature before she ate her own.
"WERE IS THAT DARN ALICORN!" Ross shouted surprising Maya as the Unicorn shook her head.
"Stop being such a hot headed Unicorn and just keep looking shes not to far off so lets keep searching." Maya said as Ross turned to his companion.
"LOOK IF YOUR GONNA BE LIKE, A FOAL, PERHAPS WE SHOULD SPENT SOME TIME APART!'' Maya shouted shocking her husband as they came across split road "look you go to the left ill go right and we meet back at the trails end."
"Wait no I'm sorry about over reacting just stressed we haven't found her yet." Ross said as Maya looked down in amusement.
"Well if you wan to find her i suggest you go in that direction, now get going." Maya simply some before walking away with alright smirk one her features as Ross stood there simply speechless by his wife's mind play...
"So anyways, back to why we are here, we're looking for a sky blue Alicorn with a brown mane and tail along with a sparkly golden rainbow crystal hairband." Sapphire said but Crystal could see Gold Sky shaking his head to not say anything.
"I have actually seen her, she saved me from an evil Unicorn." Storm Blazer said as Gold Sky sighed.
"How many times do I have to tell you amigo you didn't see anything." Gold Sky said as he approached his friend "he was attacked by a evil unicorn, almost drained of his magic, and for some reason keeps saying this."
Crystal sighed dead closed her eyes, using her mind magic she was able to look inside of the red Pegasus's mind a s she soon realized he was telling the truth "you don't happen to have information on her where abouts do you?"
"Sadly no, shortly after Gold Sky arrived she vanished just like that, i offered her to stay but she denied it almost like she was scared of that Unicorn." Storm Blazer said as Sapphire and Crystal turned to one another.
"Please if you can even think of a possible place she could be, we really need to find her shes in danger with that Unicorn on the loose!"
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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