"Oh wow, they're so beautiful," Dorota exclaimed with awe as she fluttered her wings gracefully. Eva, Dorota's wise owl companion perched on her shoulder, hooted in agreement as Dorota looked towards her owl companion.
Curiosity piqued within Dorota's heart as she observed the Breezies closely. She wondered how such small creatures could exist in a world filled with larger beings like herself.
"How can Breezies be so small yet so adorable?" Dorota asked inquisitively as the two continued through the forest while the Breezes fluttered around them,
Eva noticed the Alicorn's tired look and hooted a concerned question which Dorota stopped walking "I'm fine Eva just thinking about that evil Unicorn the missing kingdom and the reason my parents hid that i had magical powers!"
The shout surprised Eva but the owl was determined to do her best to comfort the Alicorn as she hooted a comforting melody that was able to settle Dorota's nerves "thanks Eva now shall we continue our journey?''
''Storm Blazer, are you sure you’re okay?" Gold Sky asked after the producer pony said cut for the 20th time “this is literally not like you to constantly forget your lines.”
"Oh i am just peachy, other then Dorota is in danger out there and we don't know where not to mention that the evil Unicorn is out there after her and I cant do anything about it." Storm Blazer replied, a hint of frustration in his voice as three both sat down by a glimmering lake.
"You worry to much bud, come on the way you described her sounds like a pretty powerful Alicorn so she’ll be fine.” Gold Sky said as Storm Blazer sighed knowing his friend had a point but couldn’t help but feel like something bad was going to happen to that pony he met if he didn’t try to find her.
Seeing the worry and doubt in his friends eyes the golden Unicorn thought for a moment, knowing the red Pegasus will continue getting distracted until the young Alicorn was found “here I’ll tell the producer we need some time off alright, maybe go to find that mysterious treasure you told those other ponies about.”
Storm Blazer looked up at his companion who had a hint of mischief and comfort in his eyes “you’d do that for me?”
“Yea man, besides i want to know what other weird stuff or ponies are here, who knows maybe a princess toad your gonna have to kiss.” Gold Sky spoke with a wink, earning himself a playful nudge from his red companion.
“Okay this place isn’t so bad creepy bats spider webs and just frightening sounds everywhere.” Ross spoke with a dash of frightens in his voice looking out for anything that may be a threat “why did Maya even suggested we split surely Dorota isn’t through to here.”
A few hours pass by, the Unicorn still getting nowhere with his search of his daughter “this place feels like it’s changing the more I’m going through it.”
“It’s a test of worthiness.” Ross heard a ghostly and mysterious voice speak, but when he glanced around he saw no other pony.
Who are you show yourself before i make you.” Ross demanded harshly not in the mood for any games.
But when the voice didn’t answer, Ross then used his horn shining a light around but only found out that a huge outdrew was about to crush him.
Thinking quickly Ross dodged the large boulder but just as he was about to relax, he looked up to see a mysterious portal above him and what he saw completely baffled him.
“Come on where’s the exit to this place been seeing spikes for the past hour.” Maya said in frustration as she continued to look around the scenery changed around her, the spikes began to turn into gemstones and strange writing depicting warnings.
“Pass my test and you shall be free, get it wrong and trapped forever in these caverns.” Distracted but the sudden change around her, Maya didn’t see the ground beneath her disappear and the n ext thing Maya’s knew she was falling.
Using her magic, she summoned a rope and managed to hook around the rock just as the hole got darker “phew that was one but now the question remains how am i supposed to get up there now?”
But as soon as the Unicorn finished that sentence, a chilling wind blew around Maya and caused the rope to magically disappear and the unicorn continued to descend deeper into the bottomless hole with no end in sight.
“ Think that creature followed us?” Sapphire asked as she and Crystal huffed in exhaustion.
“No I think we’re good and what kind of pony would travel through this damp forest just for a fruit that is claimed to be special?” Crystal asked as the dragon pony took the fruit out.
“Remember that’s no ordinary fruit one taste of that and it gives them any wish or desire you’d want.” Sapphire spoke up, Crystal glared at her changeling friend.
“I know, it was a rhetorical question but good to know anyways.” Crystal said, slightly realizing that the the timing could not be more wrong.
“Come on let’s find a way out of here before that creature comes back.” Sapphire replied, her face with fear as they turned to leave unaware that they were being watched.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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