"So this is the awakening world, much different from the dreamland." Nightmera said to herself gazing at the hustling and bustling city below her.
Gazing upon the flower amulet that was now a miraculous as the kwamis reffered it to, Solwings words ringing in her ear.
"Right got to find Master Fu, or Ladybug, but how will i find them?" Nightmera asked herself as she to search but a huge explosion caught her off gaurd.
Fear gripped her as she hid behind a chimney rooftop fearing what could have caused it.
Before the town stood a terrifying red and black monster, raging sharp fangs and classic that can cut through the toughest of armor. The creature froze the newly Kwamis blood, Nightmera unable to move or think found herself for the first time trapped in complete and utter fear.
"What is wrong with me, I'm the bravest Titan and able to defeat any titan." Nightmera contradicted herself "so why am I only afraid now?"
The moment the words were spoken, her amulet now turned miraculous began to glow a soft blue and purple light. Then the kwmai was filled with memories of her battles and only then she began to understand why she was petrified "I had friends before but now I'm all alone."
A moment's silence filled the air but as Nighrmera began to muster up the courage to take the monster down, a shout filled a familiar name "Miraculous Ladybug!"
Nightmera heaved a sigh of relief as she then followed the mini ladybugs back to their owner.
Hiding by a nearby tree, Nightmera caught sight of two unfamiliar figures "Well done Cat."
"Until next time my lady." The black one said as the two split, Nightmera began to follow the red and black figure but when she got close suddenly everything got dark.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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