“W..wh..at hap..en..ed.” A small purple and green Hippogriffin with a sparkly amulet heard some pony ask.
“Oh good you’re awake.” She responded as the Unicorn crack an eye open and sat up quickly but as she was looking around all she saw was a..well. She didn’t really know what she was looking at.
“Who…what are you?” Maya asked, causing the Gripotamus laughed, yet the creature did look familiar to a drawing Maya did when she was little.
“You never heard of the legendary Gripotamus? Anyways Mystic Lily nice to meet you.” The Gripotamus introduced as Maya gazed around, darkness at every turn ‘so do you recall how you got here?”
“I remember falling, but the next ended up blank.” Maya said as she began to stand with the help of her new companion.
“Wow falling cool, but you came up from the ground so how did you call?” Mystic Lily asked confused, Maya shook her head getting slightly annoyed with the new creature.
“Are you going to tell me how to get out of here or not?” Maya asked raising her voice slightly scaring the Gripotamus.
“I am new here just as much as you, I don’t even know how i got here.” Mystic Lily spoke, a slight fear in her eyes as the unicorn sighed.
But just as the Unicorn began to calm down, but soon the creature noticed Mayas cutie mark beginning to glow a green and purple light.
“I know Eva this market is amazing, yet i feel something very familiar near by and my hair and has been glowing none stop.” Dorota said strolling through the busy market, enchanting items at every turn.
Eva who had been recently glancing at items to help her owner figure her mysterious past found a mirror that showed their user their deepest desires. Eva flew in front of the Alicorn stopping her in her tracks showing the mirror “what’s this and why do you want me to look at it?”
Eva explained hooted urgently as Dorota rolled her eyes “look I don’t have time for this i need to find that item.”
Determined and stubborn, Dorota tried to get past her owl companion but to no avail as Eva kept bugging her to look into the mirror, but soon a glowing appeared on Dorota’s flank interrupted them.
“What’s going on?” Dorota asked as two hooves bumping one another appeared baffling the Alicorn “but I don’t understand, why would this appear?”
The confused Alicorn looked to Eva who held up the irrior once more not hooting this time only giving her a desperate look to trust her “alright if it’ll make you feel better.
Dorota used her magic to levitate the mirror before glancing at it but what she saw didn’t show her the past only showed her what she was missing.
Dorota lowered the mirror, Eva hooted concerned as Dorota sat to the ground her sudden interest around her faded away and replaced with the loneliness she was feeling returned “Eva i think i understand now, and i do miss them.”
“Finally you figured it out.” Ross turned to a mysterious voice and saw it was a pony he hasn’t seen for a few months
“Ember Glow what are you doing here?” Ross asked as Ember Glow simply shrugged as he looked away from the Unicorn.
“I’m her to help you through his complex maze.” The recent arrival spoke confusing Ross but where he looked around, the scenery changed from falling rocks to a big huge maze.
“And how exactly are we going to do that?” Ross asked as Ember glow looked back at him.
“You really are hopeless sometimes you know that, why don’t you just walk out of here, you really good at that.” Ember Glow said his horn glow began to shine red, Ross suddenly getting a memory of him walking away from his son and wife before Maya.
Ross sighed, a surge of sadness and helplessness filled his being and looked to his son “I’m sorry the opportunity was great I couldn’t say no plus to be in Apple Trotlyn.”
“Oh I know that I wasn’t mad about that, but whatever its in the past lets just move past it get out of here and see from there ‘dad’” Embew Glow said causing a slight shiver to run through Ross’s being, a bad feeling creeping through.
“And you promise no pony else will know i told you.” Peach Delight said making her special brew.
“You have our word, but why didn’t Dorota wanted to be found, she’s our friend and pretty sure every pony knows she’s lost.” Crystal said as the store pony poured her famous drink for her new friends.
“Yea we just want to make sure she’s safe help her on her journey and maybe even bring her back to where she needs to be.” Sapphire spoke, sincerity filling every word as she sipped special drink “Crystal try this now it’s amazing.”
Crystal looked to her companion confused as she sippied the drink but when she did, a fresh and delightful aroma filled her from the inside out as the dragon pony never felt the feeling before “okay so maybe going on that quest was worth it.”
The three of them laughed as Peach Delights cutie mark glowed a beautiful sparkly orange and red color combined happy to successfully brewed a new kind of tea “not sure if this helps but i do have this artifact, an owl gave it to me.”
“An owl you say?” Crystal asked but knowing that the owl was their friends animal spirit animal.
“Not really sure where she got it from its a remote mixed with crystals and gems sorta reminds me of that missing kingdom from the books.” Peach Delight mentioned but that had earned her some uncertain looks “what’d i say?”
“Crystals, crystals, ooh a sapphire gem.” Gold Sky said in delight earning a playful eye roll from his friend as he laughed “the point of this was to make you relax amigo.”
“Can’t help it Dorota saved my life yet I can’t do anything for her now.” Storm Blazer said, his unicorn friend although still not knowing the full extend of the events could tell it shakend the Pegasus to the core.
“How about i use my gain and we can locate her like that.” Gold Sky offered, but Storm Blazer immediately turned all of his attention to the golden Unicorn.
“No way no how that’s how that Evelin unicorn-“ Storm Blazer went to say
“Shadow Star actually.” The Unicorn responded silencing the Pegasus.
“I’m sorry?” Storm Blazer asked, still slightly baffled by the name his gold friend had spoken.
“That evil Unicorn her name Shadow star.” Gold Sky answered as silence filled the air as Storm Blazer landed next to the Unicorn.
“How do you know that?” The red Pegasus asked as Gold Sky handed his red friend the gem he’s been holding.
Seeing the confused face on the Pegasus’s face, the Unicorn simply smiled “focus you magical energy on the gem, mentally connect with it and ask it any question you want the answer to.”
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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