Years passed by, as Jayden's training continues, deapite the saddened feeling by the death of his father along with the departure of his sister and mother.
Even though at first, Mentor Ji allowed for the boy to mourn, the knowledge of the Nighloks return's pushed the older man to begin the future red ranger's training earlier then expected.
Griefend but determined Jayden worked tirelessly training and studying at every waking moment, although missing to be a normal kid at time that didn’t deter him in his training.
Taught to be strong and emotionless at even the darkest moments.
But deapite Mentors best teachings, Jayden was still missing his family sometimes refusing to leave the room as he got older.
Thinking of a way to regain the boys spirit, one day while looking through their fridge an idea struck Mentor "Jayden get dressed were going to a fish market."
A Few hours into strolling through the fish market, Jayden had already had seen amazing stuff and his strife was soon forgotten.
"Mentor with all due repsect you still haven't really explained why were here." Jayden spoke up, his eyes gazed up at his father figure as Mentor chuckled.
"We need some fish and I happen to know the perfect man to buy from." Mentor Ji answered.
"But you usually went alone before why did you need me today?" Jayden pointed out as Mentor nodded, happy to see Jaydens sharpened senses.
"Good eye, Jayden need that to be a good leader. Yes I do go alone most days but you need a day off to." Mentor Ji said, Jayden raised his eye brow suspiciously "Jauden its important for a samurai to learn to balance training and relaxation."
"So this is part of my training right?" Jayden asked as his father figure nodded.
"And that's why you will wear the red one day Jayden." The older man replied before-
"Greetings, Ji, the usual?" Jayden eyes the man who spoke, but then his attention was turned to a Latino child next to the man.
"Yes please Nick " Mentor said as the small boy next to Nick smiled gently at Jayden who couldn't help but smile back “Hi my names Antonio.”
Something stirred inside the future red ranger, feeling he had not felt since his father's death “h..he..hello, my name Jayden.”
Nick turned his attention to the boy his son spoke to as he gazed back Mentor Ji "since when did you baby sit?"
"His father died, I am all he has." Mentor Ji replied, Nick saddened his expression as the child next to him did the same.
"Our condolences." Nick said but noticed a brief emotion cross the kids face as he thought for a moment “what’s you name little one?”
“Jayden sir” Jayden replied, looking up at the man.
“Well Jayden, its very nice to meet you.” Nick said with a gentle tone as Antonio looked to his dad.
“Papá, ¿puedo jugar con Jayden?” Antonio asked in an unfamiliar language Jayden certainly never heard before but saw the man smile and turn his attention back to himself and Mentor Ji.
“Jayden perhaps you would want to hang out with Antonio while i talk to Mentor here.” Nick said seeing the confusion on their faces, Jayden tried to hide behind Mentor but the man merely chuckled.
“He would love to.” Mentor answered earning a huffed expression from his son figure “go have some fun while i finish some stuff here.”
Jayden hesitated unused to playing with kids his age but Antonio jumped over their counter happily while taking his new friend’s hand before they raced to the beach.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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