"Victory at last!" Sert's voice echoed through the vast cavern as he clutched the delicate Flower Miraculous in his hand. His laugh was more of a manic cackle, bouncing off the cold stone walls like the harbinger of a new era of chaos.
Jenny, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions, turned to her comrade Leo. "We did it, bud," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "Our mission is complete."
Leo grumbled, his gaze fixed on the glowing artifact in Sert's hand. "Yeah, well, you'll get the credit either way," he muttered, turning away. They had both spent so much time with Carolyn, the previous holder of the Flower Miraculous, and the guilt of their betrayal was a bitter taste that lingered on their tongues.
Suddenly, Nightmera appeared before Sert, her eyes wide with shock and fear. "Who are you?" she whispered, her voice trembling. "You're not Carolyn."
Sert's cruel smile widened at her terror. "No, I'm not. I'm your new master, Nightmera, and you will obey me."
"I will never obey you," Nightmera hissed, her eyes flaring with defiance. But her bravado faltered as Sert revealed a small artifact from his pocket. The sight of the relic seemed to freeze the kwami in place.
"You see, my dear Nightmera, I think you will obey me," Sert began, his voice laced with venom. He tossed the artifact into the air, and as it spun, it opened a portal to the Titan World. Nightmera gasped, her eyes flicking between the portal and Sert. "Unless, of course, you don't mind saying goodbye to your friends."
From her hiding place, Jenny watched the scene unfold, a knot of dread tightening in her stomach. She had never intended for things to go this far. She had wanted adventure, excitement, a break from her mundane existence. But this... This was a nightmare of her own making.
"Well, Nightmera? What do you say?" Sert asked, his smirk widening as he enjoyed the kwami's fear.
"I... I will obey you." Nightmera's voice was a whisper, barely audible. Sert's smile widened at the response.
"Excellent," he purred, turning back to Jenny and Leo. "Now, for your reward."
"You promised us power," Leo reminded, his voice trembling slightly.
Set turned to face them, his gaze icy. "And you shall have it, Leo. Eventually." He snapped his fingers, and another portal appeared, this one leading to an unknown destination "Jenny as you never failed me go to the human realm and begin the reign of chaos."
"What about about Leo master?" Jenny asked as Set glanced to his failure of a minion.
Set smirked as Nightmera felt a unkown energy rise inside of him as she began to struggle against her bounds "fortunately he has failed me to many times and I cant have that in my army now can i?"
"But he and I are a team, I need him!" Jenny shouted but soon was aware of her behavior as Set smirk fell into a disappointed glance.
"Getting sentimental on a partner, I thought of you to be better." Set said with a sigh but Leo saw a electric fife ball begining to form.
But when Set raised to fire, thinking quick Leo pushed Jenny out of the way as the electricity began to engulf Leo. The minion couldn't think of nothing else "Leo no!"
"Je....n...ny....RUN." Leo managed to say as he flew himself frozen in place, the stone spell being completed.
Silence soon filled the air, Jenny filled with horror of what she saw as tears began to stream down her face, glancing towards Set "its not nice your oppose your master."
Jenny rose to her feet, switching her glances between the kwami and her master "Leave here with your life or stay and expect an unexpected end."
Nightmera gave the female minion a pleading look to run as Jenny sighed and flew into the portal leaving behind the only life she's known.
“Are you sure he’s even in this world.” A black haired man asked looking around as if it was his first time there.
“Yes Gold Sky i already told you I’m pretty sure she’s here, that where the Equestrian news says she was las tween before she disappeared.” A brown haired man confirmed as he sat down taking out a piece of paper “and this will help us.”
Gold Sky sighed as he shook his head, he wanted to help his friend but their surroundings suggested they were in a completely other reality “whatever you say Storm Blazer, but this isn’t Equestria we have to be careful, were in pony knows where.”
Storm Blazer turned his gaze back to his companion as he nodded in agreement “as long as we keep our true identity a secret and live under cover we should be fine, not to mention we have the perfect disguise to fit in.”
“Uh, remember how i said your plans can’t exactly get any crazier amigo?” Gold Sky asked but noticed the smirk on Storm Blazers face that told him to continue as the black haired man smiled “well this is your craziest plan yet.”
The brown haired man sighed as he knew that wandering in an unknown world to track one of their own was risky but with no risk how can they expect any reward “come Goldie where’s that optimism you had an hour ago?”
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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