“Octo, i think i finally cracked it.” Antio said with an excitement as he stood from his desk. The Octozord chirped a warning as Antonio nodded.
“Don’t worry i got this, samurai morphed gold power!” The morpher began to glow a gold color causing smile to appear on Antonios face but it soon fell when the Japanese light symbol didn’t appear.
Both the sore and Antonio huffed in frustration as Antonio threw the morphed awa and sat down frustrated. The squid sore who felt bad for his owner flew to the phone and picked it up.
As he hovered back towards his owner, the Octozord began chirping btu the man simply turned away from it “Octo just leave it be, no wonder it was junk when we found it.”
The Zord chittered angrily as he flew in front of Antonio as his tentacles pointed towards the clock as Antonio soon realized what the zord was saying as he panicked.
“I’m late, meant to meet up with the red ranger, thanks Octo.” Antonio said as he gathered his stuff before suddenly stopped “hey wait i can always ask him how he got his to work.”
“Where is he, did we make a mistake?” Jayden asked looking down at his morpher beginning to regret keeping a secret from the fisherman.
But soon his thoughts were cut short by a voice speaking up beside him “are you ready to order sir?”
Jayden looked up to see a beautiful lady with long brown hair her brown eyes staring kindly into his blue ones as Jayden countless help but smile “uh no I’m still waiting on my friend.”
“Okay then, here’s another water then on the house young man.” The lady said as Jayden thanked her before she walked away, but as she was one table away Jayden called out to her.
The brown haired lady turned around as she turned back to him seeing s smile on his face “i wanted to ask you question a bit of a personal one.”
“Sure anything i can do to be of service, oh my name is heather by their way.” Heather introduced herself as Jayden nodded as they both sat down at the booth, Jayden not being able to take his eyes of her.
“Everything seems to be going as planned and soon that idiotic civilian will lead us to the red ranger.” RenoFlare said as Vorgrin nodded.
“But how can we be sure the human will fall into our trap his mind is sharp and not to mention he has the rangers toy with him at all times.” Vorgrin informed showing the fire Nighlok the orb that shows Antonio talking with his Octozord.
Renoflare shook his head in amusement as he was close to laughing “my my you really are clueless about this stuff, the zord is a mere shield which we can destroy in half a second.”
“But the human is close figuring out how to weaponize the zord and when he does we’ll both have something to worry about besides the rangers.” Vorgrin snapped shocking his mentor as the ice Nighlok caused a blizzard to occur around home, RenoFlare the one to always remain calm.
“Our target remains on the red ranger capture him to lure that human he befriended, I don’t even know why.” Renoflare said putting a hand on his apprentice shoulder “but after the human comes to rescue the red ranger will have the biggest honor of all.”
‘And what honor would that b face the red rangers wrath for the fifth time?” Vorgrin asked causing a laugh from Renoflare.
“Course you’re too inexpeierenced for that part, as you’ve proven to have failed at every turn.” Renoflare pointed out causing annoyed look from his apprentice “no you will have the easiest job you’d have to be a complete snob to mess it up……”
“If you had a secret that you know would endanger a friend, would you tell them?” Jayden asked as Heather bought for a moment.
“Well you’re keeping it from him to protect him right?” Heather asked as Jayden nodded “Real trust is about accepting even the dark parts we will never know and in your case you are lying to keep this friend of yours safe.”
“Yea but if i want him to trust me shouldn’t i tell him the full truth?” Jayden asked as Heather sighed looking behind her before turning her attention back to the red ranger.
“If he is your true friend hell understand why you kept your secret hidden.” Heather said as she got up “he’s a lucky guy to have such a caring friend such as yourself.”
Jayden watched her walk away, thoughts that he battled seemed to diminish but before he could relax, an explosion outside that rang through his ears as Jayden ran outside but froze to what he saw.
“Sorry Antonio but we’ll have to reschedule next time.” Jayden said to himself as he hid in a alley way to morph to his ranger form before going to face the threat.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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