05 A Cryptic Surprise6 Feb, 20231ShareIt’s been 2 year now and Dorota's life in Ponyville only got more complicated, she still hung out with Sapphire. The two even met a half dragon and half pony named, Crystal. 1ShareDownload the free Stck Reader appMelissa Sawicki@melasaw12FollowFollow Melissa Sawicki On Stck ReaderMelissa Sawicki's stories, at your fingertips as soon as they are published A Cryptic SurpriseIt’s been 2 year now and Dorota's life in Ponyville only got more complicated, she still hung out with Sapphire. The two even met a half dragon and half pony named, Crystal. Delightful Reading Experience Experience stories by Melissa Sawicki in a whole new light Good afternoon Melissa SawickiMeLiyaSee allDiscover One Home for All Purchases Pick up stories where you left off and discover new stories Write a comment ...PostMelissa SawickiShow your supportI want to become a famous author and share my stories and interest with other people Support Me
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