Despite his step-objections, sister's he managed to overthrow all of his father's oppression during his six years in power and even restore the ancient Egyptian gods to his people. Even though she didn't agree with all of the changes her brother made, she still assisted him with the more challenging ones.
Even though he respected his father and understood the love he had for his son, the young king wanted his father's rule to be significantly reduced. To that end, he changed their names to Tutankhamen and Ankhesunamen.
After presenting Tutankhamen to the royal pair, the Egyptian god Amun Ra, who created him, has kept a watch on his creation in the nether realm.
After learning of Set's plot to bring the world to an end a few months later, Ra, creator of all, used his powers to do what was right and create a celestial being with all god-like abilities while erasing his memory so he wouldn't be aware of it.
He was proud of how beautifully his creation had developed as he observed how Tut made his people content and made Egypt a prosperous and joyous place.
He made the decision right there and then that his creation was ready for training and preparation so that he might protect the earth from a consuming darkness that endangered our very existence.
Back in the realm of the living, when Tutankhuman returned from doing what he loves on a peaceful afternoon after performing his duties, he proceeded to check on his wife but was stopped by an unexpected person he never anticipated running into.
Then and there he decided that his creation was ready to be trained and be prepared so he could defend the world a consuming darkness that threatened our very existence.
As his protectiveness for his people arose, he agreed to be trained as soon his creator disappeared and King Tut slowly began to prepare himself for his training to come.
He began his secret training with his creator when he turned 14, though the training and lessons were tough for the boy king, never one to give up Tutankhuman was determined to continue to prepare.
His life was divided over the following three years between leading and counseling his people and training with his creator in the nether realm.
Throughout those years, the God of Chaos Set spied on the young people practicing and quickly learned that the boy will be able to seal him away permanently.
In order to distract the boy king, he rose from the underworld determined to stop this from happening.
Fortunately for Tut, Ankhesenamun took care of everything so that her spouse wouldn't have to. While in his final training days, he found out his wife became pregnant.
He took great joy in this news and was excited to become a father. He knew that being a parent would be a big responsibility,especially with his celestial being added to his responsibilities.
As the boy king, Tutankhamun had many duties and responsibilities to attend to. However, the news of his wife's pregnancy gave him a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. He wanted to ensure that his kingdom was a safe and prosperous place for his child to grow up in.
Tutankhamun worked tirelessly to ensure that his kingdom was well-governed and that his people were happy and prosperous. He knew that his child's future depended on the stability and success of his reign.
"I'm sorry my pharaoh but you daughters didn't make it." A doctor replied to the royal couple as both Tutankhuman and Ankhesenamun were both devastated to hear what had happened.
"But we had a whole ceremony planned and everything, how could they have not made it!" Ankhesenamun shouted as the doctor looked down in sympathy.
"Not explained but if i had to guess, they were needed more towards the gods rather then here." The Doctor replied as Tutankhuman got struck with an idea as he had a feeling it was the work of his creator.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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