“Five disk beetle cannon final strike!” A man shouted in red as the rest of his team kneeled down as his cannon was aimed at a female monster named Dayu.
But just as he fired and it was about to destroy her, a mystery nighlok leapt in front of the female monster and used his sword to deflect the explosion.
The red ranger's attack was divided in two as a result of this action, and it exploded close to them when it collided with the earth.
The frightening nighlok with its red skull visage, razor-sharp claws, and gloomy aura caught the rangers' attention.
“Red Ranger you shall be my Urmasa's sword greatest challenge.” The mysterious skull faced monster said as the the team looked at their new adversary as the Dayu spoke up surprise still evident in her voice.
“Deker you came to save me?” she asked as Deker turned to her.
“Not quiet.” he said as Dayu gave a small ‘what’ as he turned back to the rangers before him.
“Red Ranger we will duel soon.” he said as the red ranger looked to him confusion written on his face from behind his mask.
But he had no time to wonder as Deker grabbed her and fled her to safety as he heard the rangers criticizing him but only walks away with Dayu.
Back with the rangers, Jayden couldn't help but feel something familiar to the nighlok's voice like hes heard it before.
But soon the fearsome nighlok summoned giant moogers as the rangers went into mega mode to finish their mission.
Later that day after the rangers had victory goodies, a brown haired man sat in his room wondering who their new enemy was and why he though the monsters voice sounded familiar to him.
Tired of the days events he decided to sleep the though off but little did he know that his dream would only cause more confusion rather then relief.
Years Before:
The couples wedding was definitely something to reminisce about.
The ceremony was glorious with people dancing, music blasting through the stereo and delicious food prepared to be eaten.
The couple sitting at a table were both overjoyed to become husband and wife.
The night after their wedding, they were enjoying some quiet time together in their home to enjoy some time alone.
Dahlia was finally able to reveal a secret she's been keeping from her husband.
Later however had different plans, when they fell asleep, their cabin was set on fire as Dahlia woke up with a startled and looked around afraid.
"Deker!" She shouted as she went to look for her beloved, as she found him she quickly was able to drag him outside to safety.
Paranoia filled the women's being as she saw her house being burned down but all she could focus on her husband slowly dieing from smoke inhalation.
"Please somebody here my call." She shouted to the heavens and thankfully her plea was answered as a Shadowed creature appeared.
He bargained with Dahlia that he will save her beloved but in return she must become a nighlok and serve him for eternity.
The women desperate to save her beloved agreed as she stepped back, the mysterious nighlok kept his word and saved him but there was one hitch.
"He will live but as a cursed as a half human and nighlok with no memory of you or your child." The mysterious figure said as Dahlia was shocked that the man tricked.
With tearful eyes, she watched her husband get up and turned into a skeleton like monster with a red like face and dark aura.
They shared a moment before the dark aura surrounded him once more and made him vanish from their now burning home.
"As for your child, he will live a similar life lime his father but he will be sent away from you." The mysterious being added as he pointed a staff to her stomach as it glowed a bright red color before it disappeared.
"No this can't be happening." She said sadly as she felt the baby's presence gone as the being took his leave before she was to transformed to a horrific monster.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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