Years later one late night in the Shiba house lived a young couple named Rill and Rachel and as they were about to retire for the night until....
Knock knock knock
"What was that?" Rachael asked as Rill and Rachael cautiously approached the double door, but when he did.....
"OMG, a baby!" Rachael shouted from behind her husband as she ran up to pick him up and cuddle the child.
"Where are his parents?" Rill asked as Rachael shrugged.
"No idea but now Lauren has a playmate and a little brother." Rachael replied as she took the child inside.
Rill gazed around their porch suspiciously one final time before shutting the door, not quite confident of this conclusion.
Overtime as the couple cared for the abandoned child and even named him Jayden.
But at the same time slowly passed, the couple became aware that the child they took in wasn't a complete human but rather a half nighlok, the kind of creatures they had pledged to eradicate.
At first, they were hesitant to continue parenting him, as they were afraid that he will become a danger to everyone around him.
But when they realized that Jayden hadn't even noticed that about him, they quickly overcame their initial reluctance to continue raising him.
That night, after the kids had gone to bed, the couples had a discussion about it.
"What should we do if we keep raising him and he learns about his nighlok side, and decides to ruin everything we have worked so hard to preserve?" Argued Rachael worried for their daughter and the world.
"You saw how he and Lauren practice and play together he's just like an ordinary child. He'll remain that way as long as we both don't tell him." Rill suggested that they should establish a relationship with the child they had found.
"Seems like a strategy, now I can see why you dress in a red suit." Rill gently prodded her as they made their way to their own beds because of their weariness.
Meanwhile in the cracks of the nether world lived the most viscous nighlok of them all as he got ready to begin to flood the other side with the sanzu water "Octoroo, is the boat ready to set sail?"
"Ooh ahooh yes master, we’ll flood their world as you will reign over them in all your glory." Octoroo said as Xandred wickedly smirked.
"Those foolish nighlok's failed to bring me that child and the rangers who are harboring him will pay dearly." Xandred said with a snarky smile as the two began in their preparation to flood the earth.
Meanwhile back in the other world, Rill had just finished teaching his daughter the sealing symbol before Rachel and Rill ran to the common area to find the gap sensor blaring like a siren on its emergency days.
"This can't be good?!" Rachel exclaimed as Rill tried to determine whether the sensors were broken and tried to reset it but ended up with the same results "this has to be some sort of joke, right?"
Rachel turned to face her husband in an attempt to get him to confirm that the triggers were a joke, but she could tell by the expression on his face that their greatest fears had indeed materialized.
"The Nighloks have invaded our world; remember our strategy to keep Lauren safe until she can master the sealing symbol. I'll notify the other rangers and prepare for the ultimate fight." Rill stated as he hurried through the Shiba home to retrieve his samurizer, Rachel struggled to recall their plan as it quickly caught up with her.
"What about our son, don't you recall that shady nighlok informing us that Xandred is aware of Jayden and his nighlok heritage." Rachel interrupted him causing Rill to halt in his tracks as Rachel was about to collide with him,
"I'll see to it that nighlok the devil doesn't get his hands on our boy; I can assure you that he'll be secure with Mentor Ji." Rill reassured his wife as she briefly considered her husband's words.
"But what about you, though?" Rachel pondered as tears started to form in her eyes. "Rill, I can't stand to think about losing you."
Rill embraced his wife in a hug as to assure her everything will be okay despite his own knowledge "Rachel, I'll be all right. For the sake of the planet and our family, I must take this action. I won't fail the this world, they depend on the rangers."
After they pulled away, Rachel raced away to prep the horses to leave and soon saw mentor Ji coming out with Lauren as they took off from the Shiba house. Mneawhile, Rill pulled out his sammurizer and morphed into his red ranger alter ego.
Just as Rill was about to turn and leave for his mission, he heard a child shouting out to him, "Father, wait!"
"Jayden, you must stay with Ji he will watch over you." Rill informed as Jayden simply hugged his father.
"Don't leave, I don't want to lose you!" The tiny boy sobbed as Rill experienced an emotional tug at his heart.
Rill sighed sadly as he then heard a voice calling for the young boy and saw Mentor Ji standing behind the boy.
Rill gently prodded Jayden off him as he took off his helmet and knelt before Jayden and held out his lion zord towards his son.
The boy was still sad as tears were still evident in his eyes as Rill thought his words wisely "This is to be yours. One day, the great responsibility of being the Red Ranger will fall to you. Remember, protect the world from evil, standby your allies, and never run from a battle."
"I understand father, I will miss you." Jayden spoke his voice slightly cracking as mentor put a hand on Jayden's shoulder in hopes to comfort the young kid.
"Ji take care of him and make sure he grows up into a fine red ranger." Rill said as Mentor Ji nodded before he heard his fellow Rangers approach.
"Let's go." Rill said before tunring to his son one last time "one last time."
Rill put his helmet back on as he and the other Rangers ran towards the battle in hopes to defeat Xandred once and for all.
As the Ranger's harsh battled against Xandred began, Rill could feel his strength waning and what he saw around him made his heart dropped, one by one his team began to fall at the hands of the moogers.
Distracted by horrifying scene around him, the menacing leader of the Nighloks, Master Xandred walked up the weakened red ranger “haa pathetic, the child is next.”
It’s swift strike of his sword, Master Xander’s landed a deadly blow to Rill as he fell to the ground, pain enveloped his entire being as Master Xandred turned back to walk to the shiba house.
Rill in his last moment knew that he had to act quickly if they were going to defeat the powerful Nighlok, Rill closed his eyes and focused all of his energy on his symbol, drawing upon its power to unleash a devastating attack.
"Symbol power, seal!" Rill shouted, as a powerful vortex of energy enveloped the evil Nighlok lord, pulling him into nether realm once more.
Rill smiled just as he demoprhed for the last time just as took his last breath and collapsed the last of his strength faded, cleared and the sun shone brightly once again.
My name is Melissa Sawicki and I was Born in Poland, I came to America since I was 3 and half and ever since then been living here.
I am a kind and caring person who loves helping people and animals, I love to study Egypt and Astronomy.
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